Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Novus annus, novi status

When we started this blog two years ago, the three of us (Situla, Magistra K, and I) talked about wanting to use this blog to share teaching ideas with each other as we experimented with a variety of things including injecting more comprehensible input into our lessons.  At that point, we were all working for the same school, but on different campuses.  We realized that we all had a lot to learn together and from each other.  We also knew that our situations might eventually change, and we committed to the idea that we would still be willing to blog together come what may.

Things have changed a great deal in the last two years for us, and now the Triumfeminate is separating to teach in two different schools.  The change has caused me to start thinking about all that's changed and all that has stayed the same, so here's a list of a few of those things:

1.  As mentioned earlier, our Latin Department was absorbed into a larger languages department.  As predicted, that made it a bit harder for the three of us to collaborate - in addition to causing other turmoil.  Now, we'll be at two separate schools which will make it even more difficult to merge schedules, etc.

2.  All three of us have been through changes in our personal life, which always impacts your professional life in a job like teaching.  Speaking for myself, my home life has changed a great deal as I sent my first child off to college.  I think that change in the end made me a better teacher, but it does sometimes feel that my life and family are more scattered.

3.  Our professional lives have changed in various ways with shifting duties and responsibilities.

4. These changes have made it hard for us to maintain our commitment to posting every few weeks.  However, our desire to maintain the connection between us has made us recommit to each of us trying to share something about our practice at least once a month.

5.  Nothing has changed in terms of the respect and admiration we have for each other.  We still have lots to learn from each other and hope to use this forum as a way to do that - in addition to sharing our journey with others.

So, we start this new school year in ever changing circumstances, but I for one am recommitted to the idea of sharing and learning together.  And, I feel so lucky to be sharing this journey with two other amazing women.  - Parva

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I'm happy to have the opportunity to continue to collaborate with both of you!
